I decided I was going to share what our family was doing with clean
living and how it has forever changed our lives! How did it start? My
husband and I were were surfing Netflix one night and came upon a few
documentaries: ‘The Human Experience” and “Eat”. (Normally we don’t
watch documentaries, but there are a couple I kept hearing about, so I
thought, “why not”) Whoa!! Life changing. I could not believe what we
are really ingesting into our bodies; both by our food, and what our
skin is ingesting.
If you’ve never taken a look at what is in your home, I recommend you to take a look at the EWG Skin Deep, EWG Cleansers, or the Think Dirty app. VERY eye opening! It’s hard to realize the things we find in our grocery stores or on the Target shelves are not safe for us.
It was after this I decided it was time for my family to make a change. We started making a transition to a toxic and chemical free home by switching out one product at a time. Getting the harmful ingredients out of our home and replacing them with natural products that come straight from the plants that God created. It’s a journey that I’m so glad that I decided to venture into and one that I will never turn back on. I’m healthier and more energetic than I’ve ever been before in my life and that is something that I could never put a price tag on. I started the “Sahlin Essentials” website as a place to communicate about our journey to clean living and how we are creating a safe home and environment for our family. As I began my research into Clean Living and a Toxic Free Home, I was introduced to a few different companies and I’ve come to know and love. I researched most of the company’s goals and products and it’s good to know that there are companies out there looking out for us.

The Honest Company just started a beauty and make-up line called, Honest Beauty. << (Use this link to sign up to get $10 OFF) I was so excited to see the company expand into beauty products, because I knew I wanted clean up my make up routine as well. Did You Know: “Women who use make-up on a daily basis can absorb almost 5 pounds of chemicals into their bodies each year. Some of the compounds present in make-up have been linked to side effects ranging from skin irritation to cancer. One class of cosmetic chemicals which could be dangerous are parabens. Traces of parabens have been found in breast tumor samples.” How does it work? The Beauty Bundle is where you pick three things to go into the bundle (for $50), and you have an option to pick five extra things with an additional 25% off. Honest Beauty Bundles are set at $50 per month for 3 products of your choice – add on up to five items at a 25% savings! Plus you can pick up a free trial (pay $5.95 shipping)!
What about you? Is Clean Living something you have been considering for awhile? I’d love to hear about your journey… and I look forward to sharing more about our journey in the upcoming months.
If you’ve never taken a look at what is in your home, I recommend you to take a look at the EWG Skin Deep, EWG Cleansers, or the Think Dirty app. VERY eye opening! It’s hard to realize the things we find in our grocery stores or on the Target shelves are not safe for us.
It was after this I decided it was time for my family to make a change. We started making a transition to a toxic and chemical free home by switching out one product at a time. Getting the harmful ingredients out of our home and replacing them with natural products that come straight from the plants that God created. It’s a journey that I’m so glad that I decided to venture into and one that I will never turn back on. I’m healthier and more energetic than I’ve ever been before in my life and that is something that I could never put a price tag on. I started the “Sahlin Essentials” website as a place to communicate about our journey to clean living and how we are creating a safe home and environment for our family. As I began my research into Clean Living and a Toxic Free Home, I was introduced to a few different companies and I’ve come to know and love. I researched most of the company’s goals and products and it’s good to know that there are companies out there looking out for us.
I was introduced to Young Living’s
Essential Oils by a fellow blogger and couldn’t wait to try many of
their safe, non-toxic cleaners, as well other personal products like
toothpaste, mouthwash, skin care, vitamins, etc… But I was also
intrigued by these “essential oils”. Although I must admit, I was super
hesitant at first…”would this investment be worth it?”, “do they really
work?”, “will I have the support I need to learn how to use them?”
These are just a few of the questions that I had before I decided to
take the “oily leap”. I’m happy to tell you now that the answer to each
of them has been overwhelmingly YES! Our family took that oily leap and
have never looked back. Originally, I had NO intention of sharing about
the oils, it was just for me and my family to use (and the discount is
pretty great). But as soon as I got my kit and starting to
incorporating them into my daily life, I fell in LOVE!! My own
personal experiences with them STILL blows my mind, and I honestly can’t
imagine a day without them now. You can use them for almost anything! I
use them for beauty products, cleaning products, and to help support my
mood. And, on a positive note, since we began using essential oils, we
have used ZERO over the counter medications.
(My latest Essential Rewards order, filled with 5 FREE Products from Young Living. I love free gifts!)
Are you a little overwhelmed by all of the
“bad stuff” out there – not to mention all of the many options? Don’t
throw in the towel! Join me as we talk how to quickly, affordably, and
enjoyably “green-ify” our home and transition to a more safe, non-toxic
lifestyle. To find out more about clean living or essential oils, send
me an email at sahlinaks@aol.com OR find out more details on my
essential oils website here. Young Living Essential Oils – Independent Member / Sponsor#: 3039420

Another company I’ve come to love is The Honest Company.
<< (Use this link to sign up to get $10 OFF your first order)
They have three BUNDLE Options – #1 Essentials #2 Diapers/Wipes #3
Health and Wellness. The Health and Wellness Bundle includes vitamins
and other immunity boosting products. The Diapers and Wipes bundle is
pretty self explanatory. And lastly, the Essentials bundle, this was
definitely what I needed, and the thought of getting to pick and choose
what went into the bundle sounded a-maaaa-zing!! How does it work? You
pick five things to go into the bundle (for $35), and you have an
option to pick three extra things with an additional 25% off. Over the
last year I’ve tried a number of Honest products: dish soap, a scrub
brush, dishwashing pods, toilet bowl cleaner, face and body lotion,
shampoo/body wash, and conditioner, baby cream, bubble bath, etc. Some
have worked, some I’ve switched over to Young Living products, but all
and all, I’ve been very happy with the Honest Company.

The Honest Company just started a beauty and make-up line called, Honest Beauty. << (Use this link to sign up to get $10 OFF) I was so excited to see the company expand into beauty products, because I knew I wanted clean up my make up routine as well. Did You Know: “Women who use make-up on a daily basis can absorb almost 5 pounds of chemicals into their bodies each year. Some of the compounds present in make-up have been linked to side effects ranging from skin irritation to cancer. One class of cosmetic chemicals which could be dangerous are parabens. Traces of parabens have been found in breast tumor samples.” How does it work? The Beauty Bundle is where you pick three things to go into the bundle (for $50), and you have an option to pick five extra things with an additional 25% off. Honest Beauty Bundles are set at $50 per month for 3 products of your choice – add on up to five items at a 25% savings! Plus you can pick up a free trial (pay $5.95 shipping)!

What about you? Is Clean Living something you have been considering for awhile? I’d love to hear about your journey… and I look forward to sharing more about our journey in the upcoming months.