1. Is there a required monthly purchase?
There is absolutely no obligation to make any monthly purchases when you purchase a starter kit and become a Wholesale member. Signing up as a member simply means you are signing up to receive discounts as a wholesale member. I like to think of it being similar to having a membership to Costco or Sam’s Club. You pay your initial fee (Starter Kit is $160) and you never have to buy anything again if you don’t want to.
2. Do I have to sell oils or keep an inventory of oils?
Nope! You are under no obligation to sell anything or keep an inventory of products. You never have to tell anyone about YL products or sell their products. You do not have to make this a business by simply buying the kit and becoming a member. However, if later down the line your friends or family members want to buy oils from you they can and you can receive bonuses for your referrals.
3. Why does it ask for my social security number?
See #2. If later on someone decides they want to purchase a starter kit, you can sign them up to purchase the same kit you received and you can receive bonuses for your referrals. Because of this option that YL gives you, your social security number is captured up front. But you never have to do this. This is just a government requirement.
4. Can’t I just buy oils from a health food store or grocery store?
Essential oils are not regulated therefore companies can put any filler or additive into what they call an “essential oil”. Most of what you will find at the grocery store is either another ingredient altogether, is synthetic and can be dangerous to your health, or has toxic fillers in it. When you are using essential oils on your body or with your children or your family for for any reason related to health or skincare, it is very dangerous to use these types of oils and can actually bring more harm. You can have reactions to these types of oils and they can make conditions worse. If you’ve ever used oils from grocery stores and have never seen any progress with your health, this is why! Young Living has rigorous testing and standards for their oils. No fillers are ever added to Young Living’s oils and no toxins are present. In fact, they don’t even use pesticides or herbicides on their crops or soil so that toxins won’t be present ever. Anything that comes from a farm outside of Young Living’s farms must meet these strict standards as well.You can visit the Young Living farms anytime you want and see their methods of growth and testing. That’s how open they are about their purity. You can see YL’s seed to seal promise on their website. www.seedtoseal.com.
5. Do I already have to know how to use oils to buy the starter kit?
Absolutely not! That’s why it’s called a starter kit. It comes with a ton of resources to help you choose your oils and to know which oils are good for what and how to use them. In addition to the resources that you receive with your kit, you will also receive an email from me with more resources to help you along the way. In addition to these resources, another good book I have found that has helped me is the 6th Edition Essential Oils Pocket Reference. In addition to owning this book, I also refer to the Chemical Free Home, this book gives you various ways of using your oils to replace the chemical products in your home.
6. Do the oils really work??
This one is my favorite questions to answer because I love to give not just my own personal testimonies but testimonies from friends. In fact, it was just this morning that someone who purchased the starter kit a few weeks ago, who had been on anti-depressants and anxiety medications, told me that, with the approval of her doctor, she was been able to get OFF her medications and has been med free for 2 weeks! It’s these testimonies that, not just want to make me want to cry, but also make me so much more passionate about what I’m am doing, sharing ways that can improve another person’s life. She used the words – amazing, and life-changing. This is why I chose Young Living.
7. Are multi-level marketing companies a scam?
A scam is “a dishonest scheme or fraud”. There is nothing fraudulent about an MLM. Everything about the business structure is forthcoming and honest. When you take a look at YL’s compensation plan, you can see where each of your dollars go. When you are purchasing anything from any MLM, what you are doing is not only supporting the company that made a product, but you’re also supporting your friend or family member. You’re buying local. You’re helping pay for a little girl’s ballet classes, and supper for a family. You’re investing in that little boy’s college fund and school supplies for him. You’re supporting families that you know and so many that you don’t! An MLM uses the costs that a company would normally use for marketing and gives it to families so they can build their own dreams and create a business for themselves. It is so far beyond paying big bucks to top level execs, but gives everyone an opportunity to create an income for themselves! Buying from your friend instead of another random company is the biggest investment into them to say, “I believe in you”.
Click HERE to get started with your Premium Starter Kit