About Me

Hi Everyone! I’m Krista, residing in Rochester, Mn with my family; Aaron (hubby), Sophia (13 year old daughter) and Gabe (11 year old son). Most days you can find me designing digital scrapbooking and paper crafting products at Sahlin Studio: www.sahlinstudio.com
I decided that I was going to start sharing what our family was doing with natural products and essential oils, and how it is forever changing our lives. I started the "Sahlin Essentials" website as a place to communicate about our journey to clean living and how we are creating a safe home and environment for our family.


I look forward to sharing our essential oil journey with you by blogging about my favorite products and how to use them.  Along the way, I plan to also share some of my DIY oily projects.

Thank you so much for stopping by!


email: sahlinaks@aol.com