Essential Oils

What are Essential Oils?

An essential oil is that aromatic, volatile liquid that comes from inside flowers, shrubs, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. Many people call essential oils the lifeblood of plants because they carry oxygen and nutrients within the plant and are part of the regenerative process of the plant.

How can I experience the benefits?

Essential oils have many beneficial uses in our daily lives.  We can use them for boosting immunity, for relaxation and better sleep, for stamina and boosting energy, and for uplifting our spirit. I personally use essentials oils every day to clean my house, nourish my skin, uplift my mood, help my kids unwind at bedtime and so much more! We also experience the added benefit of replacing toxic chemicals in our homes with health-promoting, natural alternatives.

There are three common ways to use essential oils:

to apply topically – Oils can be applied directly to the skin. The bottoms of your feet are a popular place to apply oils. The feet are not a sensitive area and the oils will be drawn into the body quickly. You can also apply an oil onto a specific area, diluted or not.
to ingest – Oils can be place into water or dropped under the tongue. OR if you do not like the taste of a certain oil in can be dropped into vegetable capsules to ingest. Many oils can be used in cooking or baking as well.
to breathe – Place a drop of oil onto your hands, rub them together, place your hands over your nose & mouth, and take a deep breath. OR Diffuse the oils using a Young Living diffuser which disperses the oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air. The Young Living diffuser will not heat the oils, thus ensuring full benefits, as extreme heat can damage important constituents in the oil.

Why Choose Young Living?

When I first starting using essential oils, I had no idea that there were different qualities of oils with varying health benefits. The quality of the oil is largely due to the plant species used, the growing process and the extraction process. Unfortunately, essential oils are commonly distilled using high heat or even chemical solvents. Many companies use these methods because they are less expensive. However, these methods compromise the oil and destroy some of it’s beneficial therapeutic qualities.

As I researched essential oil companies, I was impressed with Young Living’s beyond organic practices and “Seed to Seal” guarantee. They own their own farms, they always use the proper plant species, they weed by hand and use their own oils for pest control. They use steam distillation and cold pressing methods to preserve the therapeutic properties of the oil. Young Living distills without using any chemicals, EVER! I trust that their essential oils are potent, 100% pure and safe! Young Living oils have no expiration date and are safe to ingest. To see their full product line CLICK HERE